Red Aleph Reading Sheets
Pages 1-10 Red Aleph Reading Sheets Pages 11-20 Master all 32 letters of the Aleph Bet. |
Orange Expanded Edition Pages 1-23 |
Yellow Expanded Edition Pages 1-19 |
Green Aleph Reading Sheets Pages 1-15 Green Aleph Reading Sheets Pages 16-33 Master the first 9 vowels with letter combinations. |
Blue Aleph Reading Sheets Pages 1-12 Blue Aleph Reading Sheets Pages 13-23 Master all the vowels and exceptions to the rules. |
Purple Aleph Reading Sheets Pages 1-14 |
Brown Aleph Reading Sheets Master reading higher level Tefillot. |
Grey Reading Sheets |
Black Reading Sheets Master reading over 100 words in a minute. |
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Kita Aleph - White -
Red -
Orange -
Yellow -
- |