
Adopt a Grandfriend!

  • "Real"ationships - Spread the Love!

  • "Bringing generations together through intentional creative experiences for the mutual benefit of all participants"

    Imagine if your family was connected to a local Grandfriend or individual seeking company.  Imagine the feeling of love and shared experiences, creating ongoing and meaningful relationships?

    Now more than ever, families and Grandfriends seek meaningful connections. At The Shul, we can connect your family to a local Grandfriend that would LOVE to get to know your family.  Our goal is to facilitate as many connections as possible, bringing joy and life to the Grandfriends, and giving your children the opportunity to experience the joy of giving, and discover how much they gain in the process.

    How It Works:  

    1. Families sign up on the form below.  We will make a match to a Grandfriend in your proximity and exchange your contact info.

    2. Twice a month schedule a Friday* to stop by The Shul to pick up a special care bag, complete with fresh Challah, flowers, treats and a unique item to help facilitate conversation.  Together with your children, you can deliver the package to your adopted Grandfriend, and enjoy a short "getting to know you" conversation on the doorstep.

    3. Twice a month (or more!), please call your Grandfriend.  They will look forward to your calls.  We will provide conversation prompts to help your child find what to discuss, ask and share. These phone calls will give you the chance to get to know each other a bit better.

    4. Weather permitting, we will be holding an outdoor events where all families can meet their adopted Grandfriends, with interactive activities and more!

    5. In addition to the priceless relationship and Mitzvah you will be gaining, we will also be providing special swag for our Mitzvah families. There will also be monthly raffles for everyone who has completed their deliveries and calls.

    *If Fridays do not work for you, you can schedule any day to make your visit.  Fresh flowers and Challah will be limited to Fridays though. 

  • For the Visit Follow Up form, click here.

  • If you'd like to nominate a Grandfriend or someone who would be interested in forming this kind of connection with a volunteer, please let us know here and we'll do our best to find them an adopted family!

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