Sponsor a Kiddush

Mark a special date, sponsor a Kiddush at The Shul and celebrate with family and friends. 

easy steps:
Click here  to see available dates 
2. Complete the online form below
3. Say when.
4. Say who.
5. Say why.

We’ll take it from there.


* = Required field


 Personal Details
Name:*                                                          Tel:*                                            Email:*
Address:*                                                                                               City:*                                                             State:* Zip:*
 Kiddush Details
Date (subject to availability) *  Occasion: 
Click here  to see available dates  
Please provide any information appropriate to the occasion e.g. dates of birthday/anniversary/yartzeit, names of people being honored, any other relavent information:-
 Type of Kiddush
  (please select one):
  Partial $200     Full   $360       Special  $500 (full kiddush plus Desert or Kugel)
  Monthly payment to KiddushClub Fund of $25
(Prices subject to change depending on the number of additional people expected)

 Payment Method 

Amount*: $ (If doing monthly payments, write 25 for first installment)

Payment Method *:    Credit Card Number *:   

Exp Month *:  Exp Year *:   CVV *: