Dear Parents,
Imagine a Hebrew School where kids don't want to miss a day. They come in with a smile and leave humming a Hebrew song. Walking through the halls, you can hear the sounds of lively discussion, of singing, of laughter and of prayer. Imagine a child who feels the warmth and spirit of Judaism. Imagine the pride of his/her parents.
Welcome to JEMS, an exciting and innovative educational program in West Bloomfield, where we instill within our youngsters a love for Judaism, the Torah and the Jewish people. Our school is founded on the principle that, while Jews embrace many levels of observance in their personal lives, there should be a place for all Jews - no labels, no affiliations - to develop a sense of community, to enhance the experience of being Jewish, to learn and to have fun. Our student body is made up of children from various backgrounds and affiliations and Synagogue membership is not required.
JEMS @ The Shul has exciting new programs and a dynamic staff who focus on the individual child’s relationship to Judaism. Children are encouraged to learn at their own pace in a nurturing environment led by teachers who love and live what they teach.
We encourage you as a parent to get involved, ask questions and keep in touch with us at JEMS.
We look forward to a Happy Healthy and Successful Year. Please visit our calendar for our upcoming events and plan on joining us often.
Rabbi Yishai - Director
Curriculum Goals
· To attain a strong sense of Love and Pride in being Jewish.
· Explore the Torah (Bible) and the history of the Jewish people to discover their relevance to our daily lives.
· Gain an understanding of holiday traditions and other Jewish practices.
· Study the morals, values and ethical behavior as taught in the Torah.
· Master the skills of Hebrew reading and writing. (Age appropriate)
· Understand basic Hebrew words.
· Learn basic prayers so that the students can feel comfortable at their respective synagogue services.
· Study the ancient and modern history of the land of Israel.
· Allow students to express their opinions and questions about G‑d, Torah and religion.
Parent/School Communication
In order to successfully implement our goals, a home-school partnership is imperative and to achieve our noble aims, we earnestly seek genuine co-operation and active participation. The old saying, that children learn what they live, is particularly true with regard to Jewish education.
With your participation in our family days through the year, our goals become a family goal. As partners, we can give them a more balanced education.
It is of great importance for the teacher to have any information which can provide for the optimum learning situation. Information of a physical, social and psychological nature can aid a teacher in planning instruction for each child.
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to call us at 248-390-5711 or [email protected].
Student Code of Conduct
JEM's philosophy of behavior management is grounded firmly in the belief that children thrive in a positive and affirmative atmosphere. Setting reasonable and fair limits for behavior and describing and reinforcing desired behaviors are more effective methods than criticism and punishment. Natural consequences, time out, behavior modification, and conferences with parents and students are used consistently by the entire faculty to bring about necessary changes to inappropriate behavior.
General expectations for student conduct include:
1. Students will respect teachers, other students, and school property.
2. Students will maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning.
3. Students will maintain safety standards.
The following behaviors violate school policy and are subject to a conference between the Parent, teacher and Director:
1. Showing disrespect towards adults or peers.
2. Using improper language or name-calling.
3. Running, pushing, shoving, or yelling.
4. Disrupting the learning process.
5. Fighting.
6. Threatening, intimidating, or causing harm to any person.
Fire Safety and Security Procedures
It is the policy of JEMS to follow the State approved fire safety procedures of the West Bloomfield Fire Department. Each room is equipped with a map of the exit locations and are reviewed by each classroom teacher with their students. In the event of an emergency students will proceed to the nearest exit accompanied by their teacher and meet at the cul-de-sac on the North side of the building.
Drop off / Pick Up Procedures:
At JEMS, student safety is of the upmost importance. Below is the procedure we will be following this year to make sure all our students arrive and are picked up safely for JEMS. Thank you in advance for helping to ensure the safety of all students and staff.
There is NO PARKING in front of our building during drop-off or pickup. The service road in front of The Shul is on a curve and parked cars can be a hazard to oncoming traffic.
· You may park in the Main Parking Lot in front of The Shul then escort your child to the front door of the building.
· You may stop on the service road in front of our building, and your child may disembark from The Shul side of the car. After you see that your child has entered the building safely, please proceed.
· You may park in the Main Parking Lot in front of The Shul then come inside Front Lobby to pick up your child.
· You may stop on the service road in front of our building, and your child will be guided to your car.
A child will not be dismissed unless direct contact is made with a parent. If you are having someone else pick up your child, please let us know in advance via email: [email protected] or text 248-390-5711.
Our students are engaged in academic activities from 10:00am until 12:00pm. Please respect this time by being on time and not checking your student out of school early. If you cannot avoid it, please let us know in advance.
We thank you in advance for adhering to these guidelines. We can all agree that SAFETY is always FIRST.
Parent Involvement
Parents can become part of the educational process by volunteering in the classroom. We use parent volunteers to assist the teachers with Hebrew reading and testing. We also need parent volunteers to help organize and assist the teacher in weekly projects.
The school provides all textbooks and supplies for all grades.
Out of respect for the Synagogue, boys are encouraged to wear a hat or Kippah. If you do not have one and would like one, we can provide one for you.
Tzedakah (charity) is a basic value in Judaism. We attempt to develop a commitment amongst our students to share with others less fortunate than ourselves by donating a few pennies each day to charity. Please try to send some coins to school to enable your child to perform this Mitzvah.
A Kosher snack is provided; we request that you do not send any additional snacks or drinks due to Kashrut and health reasons. If your child is allergic to any food or beverages, please be sure that it is written on his/her form.
Hebrew Reading
Beginning with letter recognition for our youngest children, this program leads them through phonetic decoding, reading comprehension and writing. Age appropriate textbooks and workbooks will be completed throughout the year.
Aleph Champ©
Our Hebrew reading curriculum uses the latest educational breakthrough. Based on the martial arts motivational philosophy of color-coded levels and testing. Aleph Champ provides excitement and inspiration, leading the students into a winning cycle of learning.
The Hebrew alphabet as well as the vowels and word formations are divided into 10 colored levels. The students start out as "White Aleph Champs", working their way up the colors of the rainbow to be a "Black Aleph Champ" like their teachers. Games, cards, logs and rewards make every step along this remarkable journey a fun and educational success.
Hebrew vocabulary
We offer an introductory study of Hebrew vocabulary.
Torah (Bible) and Jewish History
The children are introduced to the characters and stories of the Bible. They are given an overview of Jewish history beginning with creation until modern day Israel.
Through hands-on lessons, the students will have a deeper understanding of each holiday, traditions and customs. JEMS will also host community holiday celebrations for our students and their families.
Mitzvot: Why We Do What We Do
Why do women light Shabbat candles? Why is Shabbat such a special day in the week? Why do we have a Mezuzah on our doors? This class will teach basic Mitzvot to grades K - 2 and provide insightful meaning of Mitzvot beginning in Grade 3.
Jewish Music
We incorporate Jewish music in our classes so children become familiar with traditional Jewish music and Israeli songs.
Arts and Crafts
Art projects are incorporated into our curriculum for Jewish holiday and Mitzvot themes and will add a taste of Jewish life at home.
Madrichim Program
The Madrichim are teacher assistants. This is a wonderful opportunity for youth to experience first-hand, the art of teaching students in a learning environment. The Madrichim provide peer support to the other students in their assigned classes. For additional information regarding our Madrichim Program, please reach out to Rabbi Yishai at 248-390-5711.
Extra Curricular
Friday Night Shabbat Dinners
Friday night Shabbat dinners at The Shul is a great time to get to know other families & enjoy the warmth & beauty of Shabbat. The dinners feature traditional Shabbat food, stories, songs, & lots of fun for the children.
Shabbat Youth Groups
Children are encouraged to attend and participate in our regular Shabbat Service with their families. We offer simultaneous children’s programs that are very “user friendly” and interactive. It is a wonderful opportunity benefiting children in their future Jewish experiences by making them comfortable in a synagogue setting.
Bar and Bat Mitzvah Discovery Course and Training
As the students near the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah, they will be given special training to prepare them in a meaningful way for this special moment in their lives. While it is an extension of Hebrew School, we have designed a program in which the students will be immersed in relevant concepts that are not covered in the standard Hebrew School curriculum.
Bat Mitzvah Club
This club is for girls ages 10-13 and offers a well rounded, meaningful, and fun experience filled with moments of self-discovery and Jewish pride. The atmosphere is exciting and nurturing for both body and soul to grow and flourish. Members discover talents and develop social skills. With an emphasis on self expression, tradition and community, each girl leaves Bat Mitzvah Club with greater self-confidence, Jewish pride, and life long friendships with girls from all backgrounds and affiliations.
If you are interested visit our website for more information on these programs or give us a call!