JEMS @ The Shul
Jewish Education Matters |
Inspiring Jewish Pride and Identity in Jewish Children - the future of Judaism. |

Learn through discovery and Fun! Starting at four years of age, children celebrate their Jewish heritage with hands-on, sensory experiences.

Children from all walks of life are welcome to experience a meaningful and enjoyable Jewish education! Exciting crafts and activities bring the lessons to life in an unforgettable manner!

Our emphasis in preparing teenagers is to foster an awareness that this milestone is only the beginning of Jewish life. They delve into the significance of this stage of their lives, with life-long lessons learned and friendships formed.
JEMS for the year 2024-25 will begin on Sunday, September 8.
At The Shul, we truly believe each child is a "JEM", and our motto is "Jewish Education MatterS".
Our day is divided into segments, keeping the kids excited and always anticipating what's to come. Through various different mediums, we strive to give the kids a sense of Jewish pride; that they should find JOY in the Jewish traditions.
1. J- JEWISH PRIDE - Tefillah helps the children connect to G-d in their own way.
2. E -EXPLORE - Our Holidays, Heritage and More! Each session uses carefully chosen curricula to engage the students as they learn Jewish history and how it is relevant to their lives today!
3. M-MOVEMENT - Keeping the kids on their toes, we have interactive activities to bring the lessons of the day to life. Hunts, crafts, edible creations, and more reinforce the messages we are aiming to impart.
4. S-SAVVY READERS - With our state of the art Reading Program, Aleph Champ, each child progresses individually at their own level to master the Hebrew letters, vowels and finally reading full words, sentences and prayers!
With all the customization and privatized learning, is the program super expensive?
We do our best to make our program accessible to all Jewish families. No child is ever turned away from our programs for lack of funds. Our prices are competitive and all-inclusive. There are no membership fees, book fees or registration fees.