Yom Kippur Appeal - TheShul.net
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Yom Kippur Appeal

  • Please donate to the Yom Kippur Appeal today!

  • We appreciate you, our spiritual family, who supports our continuous growth and activities. You are the call of the shofar, the call of strength that helps friends in need. 

    You help countless individuals and families embrace their Judaism in the warm and welcoming setting at The Shul. You allow children and adults to  share their unique qualities at inspirational services, enlightening classes, and entertaining social and holiday programs. You enable our family to grow as we meet friends, not only at The Shul but at the market, senior homes, the park and in subdivisions to share special holiday moments.

    As we approach Yom Kippur, I hope you will reach out and share with others. Iā€™m calling on you to share the message of the shofar ā€“ we are here, we are strong, and we care about each other!

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