Nov 29, 2012 / Detroit Jewish News:
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Detroit Jewish News 2012 Chanukah in the D.pdf

Detroit goes 'Super Big' for Hanukkah
Kathleen Lavey  December 5, 2012
 A Jewish group in suburban Detroit has added a new dimension to the celebration of Hanukkah in the city.  Like, a 24-foot dimension.  That’s the size of the stainless steel menorah that will be lit during a festive gathering in Detroit’s Campus Martius Park at 5:30 p.m.  Wednesday, the fifth night of Hanukkah.  Hanukkah begins at sundown Saturday and Jewish families celebrate for eight days with festive meals, gifts and games.  The holiday commemorates the rededication of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem when a one-day supply of oil miraculously burned for eight days.  The event is called “The Super Big Menorah Lighting in the D,” and this year’s is billed as the second annual lighting.  Last year, the event drew hundreds and featured a huge menorah sculpted from ice.  Michigan is home to more than 100,000 Jewish residents, with the vast majority of them concentrated in the Detroit area. Michigan’s first Jewish residents arrived in 1761, when Ezekiel Solomon arrived at Fort Michilimackinac as a fur trader.  One of his business partners, Chapman Abraham, one of Solomon’s partners, is the first known Jewish resident in Fort Detroit.  Organizers say all faiths are welcome at the menorah lighting, which is sponsored by The Shul of West Bloomfield, a Chabad Lubavitch organization, as well as NEXTGen Detroit, an organization of young Jewish adults that hosts social and professional events.  The menorah will be put in place in the park on Saturday and will stand through Dec. 16, Hanukkah’s end.  It was designed and created at the Detroit Design Center by Erik and Israel Nordin.  The Wednesday event includes music, traditional Hanukkah doughnuts called Sufganiot, a hot soup bar and more. Learn more about it at Learn more about Campus Martius Park and activities that are held there at

Holiday Events
Detroit Free Press  December 6, 2012
Menorah Lighting in the D: Hanukkah party featuring the lighting of the menorah, a free soup bar, doughnuts and dreidels.  There will also be live music and light show.  An additional light will glow each night for the eight nights of Hanukkah.  Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov and a representative from NextGen will be on hand to talk about the meaning of Hanukkah.  5:30 p.m. Wed. Campus Martius Park, Woodward between Fort and Michigan, Detroit.

Many ways to celebrate
Observer & Eccentric  December 2, 2012

On Dec. 12, The Shul of West Bloomfield, along with Chabad-Lubavitch Foundation of Michigan and NEXTGen Detroit, will host the second annual Super Big Menorah Lighting in the D, a Hanukkah celebration at Campus Martius Park in Detroit.  The free event begins at 5:30 p.m. and will include lighting the big menorah there, music, Hanukkah doughnuts, a soup bar and other refreshments.  The Shul will provide round-trip busing from its facility in West Bloomfield. Buses leave at 4:15 p.m.  For more information, contact The Shul office at (248) 788-4000.

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