The Shul welcomes the support of businesses and individuals to co-sponsor our efforts to create an exciting and meaningful experience. If you are interested in any of the sponsorship opportunities below, please email [email protected] 


Menorah Presenting Sponsor - $25,000

Includes everything in the Candle Sponsorship and: 

• Being named "Presenting Sponsor" in all marketing and media touchpoints.

• A representative from your company/organization may be recognized at the ceremony. 


Candle - $10,000

Includes everything in the Lakte Sponsorship and:

• Mention of your company/organization in all marketing media touchpoints.

• Company may be a presenting sponsor for an aspect of the event (ex: food, music or after party).


Latke - $5,000

Includes everything in the Dreidel Sponsorship and:

• Company/organization's logo on the event step & repeat banner.

• Integration in all our social media campaigns.

• Company/organization can own your business category.


Dreidel - $2,500:

• Company/organization logo on the Menorah in the D website and flyer.

• Mention of your company/organization on the Facebook event page.

• Your logo on the banner around the menorah perimeter. 


Donation of any size welcome at our Indiegogo Campaign: 

  • click here and enjoy the latest trend in giving! 

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